Commercial Real Estate

AvatarIdeas, thoughts, and random ramblings of a confessed commercial real estate junkie.

What's the Best Business Advice You've Ever Recieved

“The Best Business Advice I Ever Got” | Real Estate Opinion MAG - AgentGenius

Found this great piece on today and just had to share it with you. Personally, I've had a few really good pieces of advice through the years. Some of the best were:
  1. Underpromis and overdeliver. (On the linked list too.)
  2. Be yourself; don't compromise who you are for the sake of a deal.
  3. This one's a little more greed oriented but it's still always stuck with me: Everyone you see walking down the street has $50 in their pocket that belongs to you. Your job is to try to get them to give it to you.
There have been many more, but I'd like to hear yours. What's the best business advice you've ever received?


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